Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Garfield Survey

I gave the Garifield survey again today. I did the first one whole group (students) so I thought I should do the post survey whole group too. Although, I am thinking I should have done it one-on-one in the fist place. Before I compare the scores, I want to point out in my first post about the survey's, I didn't feel like the students answered honestly. I also didn't think the students were mature enough to answer questions that deal with thinkings about thinking. (metacongnition, right?) Anyways the scores were interesting and somewhat unsettling, but I am going to use it as a learning tool and not take it personal :) (easier said than done)

Garfield Survey Results

                           1-28-13                                                                                  3-13-13
             recreational      academic        full scale              recreational        academic        full scale
              percentile        percentile                                     percentile           percentile      
EP            74                      46                    60                       50                       6                      18
FP            68                      78                    74                       44                       11                    20
BD           20                       67                    45                       37                        7                     15
I thought their attitude about reading would have improved, not drastically dropped! Am I pushing them too much and making them frustrated? I'm not sure how to use this data in my research. I wonder if they understood what I was asking better yesterday because they have a better understanding of the english language now.
I used the "Mid-year percentile ranks by grade and scale" to analyze both surveys. From the information of have on the survey that is the only sclae to use, right? I was a little confused if there was a different one since it says "Mid-year".

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